Walking in Värmland

The book “Walking in Värmland” is about the beautiful area of Värmland where Klarälven crosses through the landscape. This is a part of Sweden that is known for its culture, nature, forests, rivers, and many lakes.
We have gathered 22 incredible and suitable hiking routes in Värmland for the book. The distance of the routes is between 5.5 and 20km, and there are routes for beginners as well as for those with more experience. All hiking routes are marked but there are still some gaps in markings, which is why we have hiked the paths on our own, described, and kept an eye on the various routes. Now all that’s left is to put on your hiking boots and discover Värmland’s nature!
”Vandra i Värmland” finns på tre språk: engelska, tyska och nederländska.

Vilka är vi?

One Day Walks B.V. is a company made up of three eager hikers: Marco Barten, Paul van Bodengraven, and Marjan Wildeboer. We are always ready with our hiking boots on and have a good understanding of what is needed from a good guide.

Våra guider

Our guides always assist with detailed route descriptions. We hire our guides based on experience and they are well-trained in the routes that we offer. We also take lots of pictures so that our visitors have plenty of memories of their adventure. Every hike is a loop. Our guidebooks include about ten pages of information about the surroundings. For each loop there is even information about how long it is, the level of difficulty, directions and a map. For those who are interested, we also offer a GPS from 4 to 8 points.



Of course we hope that you are interested in our hiking books, especially “Walking in Värmland.” If you want more information or have additional questions, please contact our contactperson in Värmland,

Marian Zwier
telephone 0046 (0) 70-3558167
or e-mail marian@60north.se

Price per book: SEK 150:-

For companies that want to sell the book to your customers/guests, we would be happy to provide you with a price quote.